Tourmaline Infrared Mat


Highest quality of tourmaline

Highest quality of outer material of mat

Good and safe quality for inside heating wires

LED remote controller

Temperature 35C~70C

Size: 43x74cm

Comes in 110 voltage or 220 voltage

Every day, we build up stress in our body and mind causing pain, fatigue, and excruciating problems that persist. You can alleviate these problems with the help of the revolutionary Tourmaline Infrared Mat. Specifically designed for your comfort and pain relief, this premium heating therapy mat is not only comfortable but also very beneficial for your body and mind.

When tourmaline stone is heated, it emits far-infrared rays (FIR) that penetrate 5.5 to 6 inches (14 to 15 cm) into the body. The rays not only benefit the muscles on the body’s surface but also the deepest parts of the body. FIR can penetrate the outermost regions of bones, muscles, tissues, muscles, and bones. An hour of Far Infrared Therapy can burn up to 900 calories and shows real results in breaking down cellulite, waste, trapped fat, as well as other forms of toxic substances.

Far infrared rays and negative ions from jade and tourmaline stones are known to invigorate the biological function of our cells and increase blood flow, relieve back pain, neuralgia, arthritis pain, and remove toxins from the blood. It helps to improve metabolism and microcirculation. It is also reported to improve the body’s natural ability to prevent or reverse disease, improve immune system function, and enhance youthful strength, energy and endurance through the use of the finest jade and tourmaline stones.

This mat uses the finest jade and tourmaline stones and produces so many negative ion molecules. Negative ions are found in most natural outdoor environments such as mountain areas, lakes, beaches, oceans, and waterfalls, which is why we feel so revitalized when we visit these areas. Our Tourmaline Infrared Mat is the most convenient way to increase your exposure to negative ions. Once negative ions reach the cells in our bloodstream, it produces effective biochemical reactions helping to ease depression, boosting your immune system, efficiency, daytime energy, and boosting your defense against diseases or infection.

The Tourmaline Infrared Mat protects you from harmful EMFs. It conducts negative ions directly into the body via the surface of the skin to alkalize the blood and restore the natural electrical field of cells and organs quickly. It relieves depression, fatigue, anxiety, stress, and will bring you a sense of well-being. Our Tourmaline Infrared Mat offers professional therapeutic results and natural home recovery with no medicinal side effects. Each mat is made up of 14 to 20 layers of material that have a unique function. It is collapsible and stows in a specially designed carry bag for easy storage or travel. Our Tourmaline Infrared Mat is ideal for use at home, in therapeutic clinics, and even in hospitals!

Try out our black tourmaline necklace!

How it Works

Heating pads and blankets are popular ways to relax and relieve physical pain. However, these traditional items use electrical coils to generate heat, while the Tourmaline Infrared Mat uses the heat carried through its layers of tourmaline stones and fabric to create negative ions, far infrared rays, and an EMF protective shield.

The natural tourmaline is polished, and an ideal size is used on the mats. The mat covers your entire body while you’re lying still on it. On the top surface, the tourmaline stones are held securely with silicon glue. The silicon glue conducts heat and transfers it to the tourmaline stones, which leads to higher levels of negative ions. The glue will hold the stones in place for decades.

Each mat provides far infrared rays, negative ions, and heated gemstones. The gemstones (tourmaline, jade, and amethyst) naturally emit far infrared rays and negative ions. When heated, the stones are activated and offer benefits on a higher level. This is possible with several functional layers. The friction caused by the FIR is transferred to your body in the form of heat and heats the interior as well as all the parts in direct contact with the mat. The construction and layers of the mat work together to warm and heal you deeply in a way that an ordinary heating pad just can’t.

Essentially, a heated wire passes through the mat. This wire is lined with a silicone layer that filters out bad EMF from the mat. The extra layers help distribute the heat so the mat heats up evenly. The bottom layer is made of waterproof material, while the top layer is made of high-quality synthetic leather.

Far Infrared Rays and Negative Ions

Far infrared rays are a specific frequency of light waves that are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. They have been the subject of many studies on their various health benefits and are most often emitted during a sauna. When far infrared rays are absorbed by the body, they promote rapid cellular turnover and strong circulation of lymph, blood, and energy.

Like the sun, they relax and warm your body with the energy they offer. The rays penetrate your muscles and penetrate even deeper into the tissues and cells of the body. The heatwaves promote and stimulate blood circulation as your muscles and tissues relax and the body is eased from pain. The Tourmaline Infrared Mat generates far infrared rays that can be easily absorbed by the body.

Negative ions are ions with more electrons than protons or negatively charged atoms. They are important for stabilizing the harmful free radicals that cause disease and aging. The fabrics and ingredients of the mat are specially designed to create negative ions that combine with the healing and heating factors that your body receives when using the Tourmaline Infrared Mat.

Benefits of Tourmaline Infrared Mat

Tourmaline combined with far infrared rays has become a popular healing method for treating a wide range of medical conditions. Tourmaline stone is believed to offer a wide variety of healing benefits. Here are some benefits of our Tourmaline Infrared Mats.

Improves Cardiovascular Function and Circulation

Far infrared therapy increases the body temperature, warms the blood, and dilates the blood vessels. This leads to an increase in peripheral blood flow and volume, which leads to an improvement in blood circulation and cardiac function, as well as the supply of oxygen.

Improves the Functioning of the Immune System

The deep penetrating heat of far infrared rays increases the body temperature and leads to healthy and artificial fever, which promotes the destruction of many pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. While the body is fighting the “fever”, the immune system of the body is strengthened and activated by increasing the production of white blood cells. When combined with detoxifying harmful toxins and wastes, it greatly improves overall health and disease resistance.

Relieves Chronic Inflammation and Pain

Far Infrared Therapy’s deep penetrating heat helps widen peripheral blood vessels and soothes and heals soft tissue and muscle injuries. The increased blood flow washes away metabolic waste and supplies exhausted muscles with oxygenated blood so they can recover faster.

Controls Weight and Burns Calories

As you relax in the gentle warmth of the far-infrared mat, your body works hard, produces sweat, pumps blood, and burns calories. According to a report, a single far-infrared therapy session burns as many calories as jogging or rowing for 30 minutes.

Eases Stiffness and Joint Pain

Far infrared thermotherapy is widely used to treat patients with many types of musculoskeletal and arthritic disorders. Besides, it has been shown to be effective in treating joint stiffness, muscle spasms, bursitis, neuralgia, sprains, as well as many other musculoskeletal disorders by increasing cell growth, protein, and DNA synthesis required for tissue regeneration and repair. Far-infrared therapy reduces or eliminates the stiffness, pain, and discomfort associated with aging.

Reduces Stress and Fatigue

The gentle heat of far infrared rays helps calm nerves and relaxes knotted and tense muscles by heating muscle fibers. This results in an increase in the balance of nutrients in the cells, blood sugar, and blood pressure, resulting in increased mental stability, muscle strength, and improved energy.

Improves the Skin

The heat and negative ions from FIR penetrate deep into the body through the skin and help detoxify impurities in the skin and lymphatic system. Additionally, far-infrared greatly improves exfoliation by quickly removing dead skin cells. Increased blood flow draws natural nutrients from the skin to the surface, which rejuvenates the skin’s appearance and health.

Helps in Detox

Far Infrared Therapy helps detox the body in many vital ways. Increased blood flow stimulates our sweat glands, releasing accumulated waste and toxins. Daily sweating can help detoxify the body as cancer-causing heavy metals, nicotine, alcohol, sulfuric acid, sodium, uric acid, and cholesterol can build up. Far infrared can not only make the body sweat, but it can also eliminate toxins through several other body systems.

Improve Motor Function

Many people generally have difficulties with coordination and motor functioning. Tourmaline has been shown to help enhance these functions. In 2015, the Taiwan Department of Radiology conducted a study to find a link between infrared radiation therapy and beneficial effects on nerve function. According to the results, tourmaline and far-infrared treatment are non-invasive, effective, and beneficial when it comes to improving motor function and increasing nerve regeneration.

Inhibit Certain Cancers

Tourmaline infrared mats change the body temperature, and this change inhibits the proliferation of certain cancer cells. According to Medical Oncology London, FIR treatments have been proven to inhibit cancer cell growth (including lung, tongue, and breast cancers).

Improve Diabetes Symptoms

A 2010 study found an association between FIR sauna treatment and improved quality of life in type II diabetes patients. The most common side effects of diabetes are congestive heart failure, pain, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Based on the study and other lab results, sauna treatments are likely to contribute to overall well-being and increase the pain threshold. This means that tourmaline mats can cure diabetes symptoms naturally.

Can Treat Arteriovenous Fistula

An arteriovenous fistula is an abnormal connection or passageway between a vein and an artery. This condition causes blood to circulate directly from an artery to a vein. The condition affects the leg area most commonly, but it can develop anywhere on the body. According to a 2014 study, FIR showed positive effects in treating the arteriovenous fistula in hemodialysis patients. Also, the research results indicate better functioning of the blood flow to and from the arteriovenous fistula and a lower likelihood of an arteriovenous malformation.

Protect the Skin

Far infrared tourmaline mats can protect the skin from sunburn. As you probably already know, certain types of rays are very harmful to your skin, including UVB rays. The skin can be protected from these detrimental rays by applying infrared radiation to your skin. According to the Archives of Dermatological Research, infrared radiation prevents the formation of sunburn cells that were previously caused by UVB rays.


Our Tourmaline Infrared Mat comes with a digital remote controller that can be used to set the desired temperature and duration of use. If the mat gets too hot or exceeds the set temperature, the heat sensors automatically turn off the electrical current to cool it down. Once the desired temperature is reached, the mat will continue to generate negative ions until the heat needs to be increased. The Tourmaline Infrared Mat can be connected to a 120 Volts socket.

For a sauna effect, use the mat at 60-70 ° C for about 30 minutes and cover yourself with a blanket. Set it to 45-55 ° C for nighttime use, depending on your comfort level. It is recommended to place a towel on the mat instead of lying directly on the stones to protect the mat from sweat. The human body temperature is 38 degrees Celsius, so this would be an ideal starting point. Increase the temperature gradually to test your tolerance. Set the temperature higher for shorter use and lower for longer periods. Always drink plenty of water before, during, and after use to avoid the physical effects of dehydration.



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